A lot of people like you are searching the internet to know about the Expertnaire review because they are curious to confirm if it is legit or a scam.
Before you join Expertnaire, do note that the website deals with affiliate marketing and it requires you to have basic knowledge in affiliate marketing to succeed in the game.
Affiliate Marketing in brief…
Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company. According to Investopedia.com
We will be discussing all the information you need to know about the Expertnaire platform from the registration to the process of earning passive income.
Table of Contents
About Expertnaire
Expertnaire is a fast-growing affiliate marketing program that allows you as a marketer to get products to sell out and earn as you promote products given to you.
The platform also in return helps digital product creators sell their products without having to stress, this is done through promoters/marketers that work actively to make sales.
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As a promoter you earn a commission on each sale you make, a digital product creator pays the fee.
Expertnaire Review – How to make money
Making money with Expertnaire is divided into sections, the ways to earn include:
Product creator or Vendor
One of the ways to make money via the platform is by registering as a product creator who is known as people who create digital products for sale.
This section is basically for people who have marketable knowledge that can be sold as digital products such as Web Developing tutorials, Photoshop Tutorial, e.t.c
Earning money in this section is easy as long as you have the knowledge you can turn into marketable digital products which can be sold via Expertnaire marketers.
Affiliate marketer
Earning money as an affiliate marketing with Expertnaire is as smooth as silk as long as you know your way around the product marketing process.
All that is needed for you to make money via the platform in this section is to promote and sell products that are listed by digital product creators or vendors.
This is actually the easiest section on the platform, as long as you have the right platform to promote digital products assigned to you.
To earn money you don’t have to be a professional affiliate marketer, all you need is to have a good social media network reputation. These platforms include WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, e.t.c
Expertnaire – Become an affiliate
To earn money with Expertnaire as an affiliate marketer or promoter, start by following the below steps:
Register via the Expertnaire marketplace
To begin, all you have to do is to sign up via the Expertnaire marketplace which requires you to pay a yearly sign-up fee of N10,000 only.
To continue using the membership features, you will have to pay the recurring fee of N10,000.
After registration, wait for your login details to access your account dashboard.
Choose and promote one of the Expertnaire products
After signing up for an account (paid the membership fee), you will now have access to products listed on the Expertnaire platform. You can choose from the list of products, promote them and start earning based on your sale rate.
To boost your sale commission rate, it is best that you choose digital products for promotion as they give you a high commission rate over other products.
Get paid
This is the rewarding part of the whole process, after you have generated a number of sales you will receive a commission for each sale you make depending on the product type.
All payments are sent out and deposited to your attached bank account every Friday of each week.
Become a vendor on Expertnaire with steps
To start making money as a vendor, you have to register for an account via the Expertnaire platform portal.
The registration process is easy, although you will be required to pay a registration fee of N25,000 which is recurred every year. This will continue to keep your account membership secured.
Expertnaire vendor account requirements:
Before you can make money with you need to follow up with the terms and must meet the requirements of vendors as listed below:
You must read through the term and conditions laid out for product vendors.
If you find the terms and conditions okay, send your product(s) information to the team for review & approval. It is important that you upload original products (created by you, or you have access to).
You need to forward the below for submission:
- The URL created specifically for your product represents your product sales page. The sales page serves as a conversion page to maximize sales and earnings. (It is compulsory)
- Information and access to the product’s delivery process, value check of the product, and quality assurance.
- Your decided percentage of commission for each product sale to the affiliate, it is said that the affiliate chooses the best commission rate.
Helpful and verified customer support system, which will attend to the needs and complaints of customers so as to help them use your products better.
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After compiling the above, create a mail with the title and then the content of the mail as shown above… Once done send the mail to vendors@expertnaire.com to get started.
If approved, you will be sent a mail for you to get started. You will be required to pay a registration fee of N25,000 per year to keep your vendor account (nonrefundable).
More Answers to Questions on the Expertnaire
How do I make money with the Expertnaire platform?
Making money via the Expertnaire platform is straightforward, all you need to do is create an affiliate account or a vendor account (if you own a product).
How much will I earn as an Expertnaire affiliate?
The amount you earn depends on a few factors such as your affiliate skills, marketing network, product commission rate, and capability.
There is no limit to the amount you can make.
What must I know before signing up on Expertnaire?
It is important to note these:
As a vendor, you get paid once every two weeks on Fridays
Expertnaire charges a 10% fee on each product listed
The payment to the affiliate is processed and the buyer’s product is delivered by Expertnaire.
The platform offers 30 days refund policy on products.
What is the percentage of commission I’ll receive?
The percentage of commission you get on each promoted product that results in a sale is up to 75% depending on the product.
Check for detail before you choose each product.
What is the Fee charge for registration?
To register or sign up as an affiliate with the platform you will be required to pay a membership fee of N10,000 per year to renew.
Getting an account as a vendor on the platform requires you to pay N25,000 per year to keep your account active.
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Will Expertnaire teach me Affiliate marketing?
No, it does not. You are only given products to promote with your existing affiliate marketing skills.
However, you can connect with top affiliate marketers via Expertnaire who can help grow your skills.
Now to the big question…
Is Expertnaire legit or a scam?
As we have reviewed to find loopholes, well, there aren’t any as the platform has proven to be legit. Many affiliate marketers on Twitter have shown what potential the platform can offer you.
Well, there isn’t much to talk about here, we have both been through the whole article, and as you can see the platform is straightforward.
Looking carefully at the Expertnaire review, there are no risks whatsoever, it isn’t a Ponzi scheme. You work hard to earn and that’s enough.